
Private Sale

Investing in real estate through cryptocurrency, particularly in Costa Rica, offers several distinct advantages that appeal to modern investors seeking diversification and innovative opportunities. Costa Rica, renowned for its natural beauty and stable political environment, has become a hotspot for international real estate investment, further enhanced by the integration of cryptocurrencies into property transactions. Firstly, utilizing cryptocurrency for real estate transactions provides heightened security and efficiency. Blockchain technology ensures transparent and immutable records of transactions, reducing fraud risks and eliminating the need for intermediaries such as banks. This streamlined process not only accelerates transaction times but also lowers associated costs, making it particularly attractive for international buyers interested in Costa Rican properties. Secondly, participating in a preconstruction timeshare program that rewards investors with bonus coins through the purchase of nodes adds a layer of financial incentive. By acquiring nodes early in the project, investors can benefit from potential appreciation in the value of the cryptocurrency once it launches or reaches a predetermined milestone like selling 10,000 nodes. This model not only encourages early investment but also fosters community engagement and loyalty among stakeholders. Furthermore, Costa Rica's welcoming stance towards cryptocurrencies and its established legal framework for property ownership make it an ideal environment for such innovative real estate ventures. The country has a reputation for political stability, respect for property rights, and a progressive attitude towards technological advancements, which bolsters investor confidence and minimizes regulatory uncertainties. Another key benefit lies in the potential for capital appreciation in both the cryptocurrency and real estate markets. As the cryptocurrency market matures and gains wider acceptance, early adopters who secure property in Costa Rica using digital assets could realize substantial gains. This dual appreciation potential leverages the growth prospects of both sectors, offering investors a diversified approach to wealth accumulation and preservation. Lastly, participating in a limited node sale where only a set number of nodes are available underscores the exclusivity and scarcity of the investment opportunity. This scarcity can drive up demand for both the cryptocurrency and the associated real estate offerings, potentially enhancing overall investment returns. The finite nature of the node sale also creates a sense of urgency among investors, encouraging early participation to secure advantageous positions in the project. In conclusion, leveraging cryptocurrency to purchase real estate in Costa Rica within a preconstruction timeshare program offers a compelling blend of technological innovation, financial opportunity, and strategic investment diversification. With benefits ranging from enhanced security and efficiency in transactions to potential capital appreciation and a supportive regulatory environment, this approach appeals to forward-thinking investors looking to capitalize on the convergence of real estate and blockchain technology in a promising international market like Costa Rica.

Claims Coming Soon!

Gold Mine Scene


0.21 Weth



Coming Soon!

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Gold Claim 02

Claim 02

1.20 Weth

Ends in 01.34.45

Gold Claim 03

Claim 03

1.20 Weth

Ends in 01.34.45

Gold Claim 04

Claim 04

1.20 Weth

Ends in 01.34.45

Gold Claom 05

Claim 05

1.20 Weth

Ends in 01.34.45

Getting started

Embarking on the endeavor of mining gold and gems requires a carefully curated set of tools to navigate the challenges of extracting precious minerals from the earth. Primary among these tools is the prospector's pan, an essential instrument for panning gold. This shallow, wide-bottomed pan allows miners to separate heavier gold particles from the surrounding sediment through the process of swirling and shaking, a fundamental technique in the early stages of prospecting. Additionally, a classifier or sieve is crucial for sifting through gravel and sediment, helping to further refine the search by allowing smaller particles and potential gems to be examined more closely. In more advanced stages of mining, a sluice box becomes a pivotal tool for efficiently capturing and separating gold from other minerals. This long, narrow channel is equipped with riffles that catch heavier particles as water flows through, facilitating the concentration of gold. A reliable shovel and pickaxe are indispensable for breaking through rock and soil, while a durable backpack and clothing designed for rugged terrains provide comfort and mobility during long hours of prospecting. Furthermore, a reliable GPS device can aid in marking promising locations and navigating challenging landscapes, ensuring that miners are well-equipped to embark on their quest for gold and gems.

Connect your wallet

Clothing & Shelter

Complete Mining Sets

Weapons & Refineries


Gold Claim 06

Lorem Ipsum

1.20 Weth

Ends in 01.34.45

Gold Claim 07

Lorem Ipsum

1.20 Weth

Ends in 01.34.45

Gold Claim 08

Lorem Ipsum

1.20 Weth

Ends in 01.34.45

Gold Clain 09

Lorem Ipsum

1.20 Weth

Ends in 01.34.45

Gold Clain 10

Lorem Ipsum

1.20 Weth

Ends in 01.34.45

Gold Clain 11

Lorem Ipsum

1.20 Weth

Ends in 01.34.45

Gold Clain 12

Lorem Ipsum

1.20 Weth

Ends in 01.34.45

Gold Clain 13

Lorem Ipsum

1.20 Weth

Ends in 01.34.45


Juce will be migrating to GoldJuce and all outstanding tokens can be turned in at full investment plus 20% upon the launch of GoldJuce. GoldJuce will be on the Ethereum network and the private sale for that will start soon. You can see the information on GoldJuce.com.

40% will be allocated towards the research and development of the GoldJuce mining game. All proceeds collected from the players in this game will be added directly to the liquidity pool. 40% will be allocated towards acquiring, mining or buying precious metals and these metals will be held in the Gold Juce reservoir, also to be added to the liquidity pool

10% will be allocated as a referral bonus only to the first 10,000 nodes sold. (Private Sale) After the private sale ends and the game begins this 10% Will be added to the 40% allocated towards the precious metals and the GoldJuce reservoir or the R&D if needed.

10% will be allocated towards paying all the fine people that make it possible to protect your money by backing it with Precious metals and a one of a kind fully AI game that allows you to build your character around your personality while finding real Precious Metals/Gems along the way.

Meet The Team!

Contact us!

720.266.9098 (Paul Alan)

18300 W Alameda Pkwy,
Morrison, CO

720.266.9098 (PaulAlan)
Mining Store Comming Soon

Copyright 2023 GOLDJUCE
